Monday, 14 November 2011

Learn Computer in Hindi Online : Computerseekho

The strange thing but true. If you have learned computer you should be reading this post. But there are many benefits of this post. You can refer the source to other people who have very basic knowledge of computer. If you have very basic knowledge you also can improve your knowledge and learn it. Meaning of learning computer is now changed from its previous meaning.
Computerseekho is a website available in Hindi to teach you computer in easy to understand manner and in native Hindi language.
To get most of it you can signup for Computerseekho here.
All the tutorials are in video, videos are in good quality voce is even better. Here is a glimpse of what you will learn on the website.

Basic Learning

Basics of A computer

Windows XP

Windows 7


Internet Explorer 8


Microsoft Word 2007

Microsoft Excel 2007

Microsoft PowerPoint 2007

Intermediate Learning

Computer Programming


Computer Network






Operating Systems

Advanced Learning

Windows XP

Windows server 2003 and Active Directory

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

Windows Server 2008

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